luni, 29 august 2011

In asteptarea uraganului Irene in imagini (foto + video) - retrospectiva

Lights out in New York City: Stretches of downtown Manhattan are submerged in darkness as almost 200,000 residents lost power after Hurricane Irene struck
Zone din Manhattan (New York) au ramas fara curent electric afectand aproape 200.000 de oameni. 
Deserted: People wait for a cab at Times Square in New York as rains fall before Hurricane Irene hits
Cativa oameni asteapta un taxi in Times Square in timp ce ploua in asteptarea uraganului Irene.
Words of warning: A pedestrian takes a risk as roads are closed and barricades raised in Lower Manhattan with Hurricane Irene expected to bear down on the city today
 Semne de alerta: un trecator se risca printre baricade plasate in Manhattan-ul de jos inainte ca Irene sa loveasca.

 No way home: Travellers sleep at Penn Station, New York as trains were cancelled due to hurricane warnings all along the American East Coast
Calatorii nu au cu ce ajunge acasa si dorm in Penn Station deoarece toate trenurile au fost anulate in urma avertizarilor de-a lungul intregii coaste de est.
Poza NASA din spatiu despre dimensiunea  uraganului Irene.
Uraganul Irene pe cale sa afecteze 20% din populatia americana in drumul sau de-a lungul Coastei de Est.
Unbelievable sight: Two men push a cart through a normally bustling Grand Central Terminal
O priveliste remarcabila: Grand Central Terminal altadata roind de multime acum cu doar 2 oameni impingand un carucior.
Completely soaked: A Hasidic Jew makes his way home as heavy rain falls in Brooklyn, New York, late Saturday night
Warning: Despite the hurricane being downgraded to a Category 1 storm, it is still expected to have locally extreme impacts 
No snarl ups here: The normally crowded entrance to the Holland Tunnel in Manhattan 
Late night grocery run: A man braves torrential rain to get some supplies in Brooklyn on Saturday night
 Streets of fear: The entrance to the Midtown Tunnel West Bound
 Lights are on but no one's there: A spooky view inside the Midtown Tunnel West Bound
 The lone runner: A man heads north on the Hudson River Greenway ahead of the arrival of Irene in Lower Manhattan
 Getting out of the rain: New York National Guard officers run towards the Sixty-Ninth Regiment Armory where they are staying
 A sitting target awaits: The skyscrapers of New York underneath stormy skies on Saturday evening as the rains come ahead of the winds
 Cerul in asteptare.
No go area: In the city that never sleeps, The Times Square subway station is spookily silent
An MTA worker locks a gate at the subway at Grand Central Station
Shutting down: Ticket agents remove the stanchions which form the ticketing lines at JFK International Airport
 La Aeroportul JFK - pregatiri inainte de inchidere.

We're waiting: A volunteer puts up a sign in a shelter centre at Newcomers High School in Queens
 Pregatiri de adapost de catre un voluntar intr-un liceu din Queens.
Covered up: A woman and her son walk through Times Square

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Sursa: Daily Mail

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